Sunday, February 27, 2005

Gal Civ 2 Dev Blog: UI, Part Three

mormegil has posted a third installment of his series on the user interface in Galactic Civilizations 2. This one covers the custom player ship design screens and includes a pair of screenshots to demonstrate.

Vendetta Online Review

PC Gameworld reviews Vendetta Online, giving it a mixed critique and concluding that it is currently not worthy of a monthly fee. Thanks Blue's.

STO Interviews

Thanks to STGU for pointing to two new interviews about Star Trek Online. Both interviews feature Perpetual Entertainment's Glen Dahlgren, lead designer for the project. Both interviews discuss the role of the starship in the game. The interview also manages to dig up specifics on races and weapons and combat, while the Gamer God interview discusses space combat in more depth and ship upgrades.

Untitled Freespace-Universe Multiplayer Game

A thread at HLP points to a freeware multiplayer game based in the Freespace universe. The trading/exploration/combat game is currently in development and seeking artists and modelers. Screenshots are viewable in the thread.

Friday, February 25, 2005

EVE Chat Log and Dev Blog

EVE Gate has posted a log from yesterday evening's chat with CCP. Some of the topics include non-combat missions, electronics warfare changes, insurance facilities, and missile countermeasures.

Also, has posted a new developer blog that discusses some planned changes to the universe.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

X2: The Return Interview, Part 2

RPG Vault has published the second part of their interview with The_Abyss of Egosoft. This installment covers mission design, user interface changes, and changes to the game engine. Thanks Blue's.

For the People, By the People: Thursday

Bridge Commander:

BCFiles offers MVAM Armored Voayger SFX Fix by fedmods, Save Starbase 25 by fedmods, Distress Signal v0.4 (Beta) by Defiant, and Vulcan Surak Hardpoint by Blindmelon.


The Lancers Reactor hosts a quartet of new development tools, including GMAX Plugins and Scripts by Chris Cookson (includes a number of scripts and tweaked plug-ins for modelers), Tlr.Freelancer.Flhash Library by WatercoolerWarrior (requires third-party tools that can access COM or .NET files), Tlr.Freelancer.Flcodec Library by WatercoolerWarrior (for manipulation of save game files; requires tools capable of accessing COM or .NET files), and Tlr.Freelancer.Network Library by WatercoolerWarrior (for server management/monitoring).

There are also a few new mods at the site--The Monkeys v1.18 by Black Eagle (compatible with single-player and multiplayer; requires Xerx's Open Singleplayer Mod (no storyline)), an update for The 5'th House by Peter Pan, and Evolution Nightmare 2.28 Nomad Revenge Server by Sherrec.

Klingon Academy:

Savage has released his Deep Space Nine model.

Gal Civ 2 Dev Blog: UI

mormegil has posted a second part to his dev blog about designing the user interface in Galactic Civilizations 2. This article digs into the square mini-map versus rotated mini-map debate. Visuals are included.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Gordon Walton Interview at SWG Vault

Star Wars Galaxies Vault interviews Gordon Walton, who chats about recent changes in the MMPOG.

Monday, February 21, 2005

For the People, By the People: Monday

Bridge Commander:

BCFiles offers a couple of new ships, including the USS Courageous by Queball/Mayhem UK, the C2X Deep Space Nine by C2Extreme, and the Davids-C Dominion War Refit (variant of the Constitution/Excelsior) by Starforce Productions Team.

Freespace 2:

ngtm1r has released a single mission called "Homecoming". Instructions and a download link are viewable in this thread at HLP.

Klingon Academy:

Terran Defense makes available an Andorian Plasma Cannon.

Starfleet Command III:

The Alternate Universe team has released a 419.63 MB mod called "Beyond the Looking Glass". The file, along with details, can be grabbed at SFC3Files.

Wing Commander IV:

CIC has news of a unique sort of Wing Commander IV project. AD is hard at work on a Wing Commander IV movie that will include a number of the cutscenes from the game, along with scenes from gameplay. He is currently looking for help and has made two samples (links are included in the news item at the CIC) available that demonstrate his intentions with the project.


moggy2 has posted details about the release of Xai Corporation's Manual Trade Commands 1.1.

Star Trek Neutral Zone 2 Interview

Star Trek Gaming Universe speaks with Krešimir Špes of Cateia Games, who are currently developing Star Trek Neutral Zone 2. The developer talks about his goals for the game, space combat, features included in the game, and some of the other games the Croatian developer has created.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

For the People, By the People: Saturday

Bridge Commander:

BCFiles offers a new version (v0.9) of the massive scripting management utility for Bridge Commander, QBautostart. Also docked at BCFiles are the Romulan D7 Cruiser v3.0 by Dave975 and a KA TMP Warbird by Neokade.


Lancers Reactor features New Balance v1.03 by Paul (single-player and multiplayer) and the Lusitania System by Dionisius (trading-based client mod for playing on the Lusitania server).

Freespace 2:

DaBrain has put together a Mod Starter Pack that includes effects, anis, and maps.


smurph's Hardwar Enhanced2 patch for UIM.06 is now available. Instructions for installing, a download link, and a changelog can be viewed in this thread at Captain Zedo's.

Star Trek Armada:

STA2Files hosts AdmiralRexStar's Armada I Multiplayer Maps Pack 1, which contains twenty-one maps, and his Armada I Multiplayer Maps Pack 2, which includes fifteen maps.

Star Trek Armada 2:

Also at STA2Files is Dr. Slim's Improved Federation Construction Ship.

Starfleet Command III:

Starfleet HQ shares a fixed version of the Hardpoint Placement Editor.

The Babylon Project:

A lovely pic of the Babylon 5 station (and an accompanying teaser video) that will be featured in the next release of TBP can be eyed in this thread at HLP.


LordSuch's Sector Planner has been updated to v1.4. Harlock's Top Gun Mod v1.0, which changes a number of things in the game, is out. The Xai Corp Advanced Combat Project has a new 3.12k release.

SWG Chat Log

SWG Stratics has posted a log from their developer chat on Wednesday. The main theme of the night is the Galactic Civil War.

SWG Chat Log

SWG Stratics has posted a log from their developer chat on Wednesday. The main theme of the night is the Galactic Civil War.

Data Etc.

In other media outlets around the net:

  • RPG Vault also has half a dozen screenshots from Star Wolves, the space combat strategy title.

  • Gamers Hell reviews the not-so-recently released Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy add-on. The article provides a very positive evaluation of the 4X title.

  • Lastly, WorthPlaying tallies up a positive (but not exceedingly so) score for Project Freedom, the arcade-y shooter from City Interactive.

Thanks to Blue's for all of the above.

X2: The Return Q&A (Part 1)

RPG Vault chats with spokesman Greg "The_Abyss" Kingston about X2: The Return. The interview covers the basics about X2: The Return (including changes between the original X2 and X2: TR) and races. The interview also includes a trio of screenshots. Thanks Blue's.

Friday, February 18, 2005

StarWraith 3D Games Newsletter

A brief newsletter from StarWraith 3D Games is online (thanks, Nick). The February edition has news that Evochron has reached release candidate status and that limited public beta testing of the game could begin within a few weeks.

For the People, By the People: Friday

Bridge Commander:

Now at BCFiles: Maquis Raider Hard Points Pack by Dave975, Vienna-class Battlecruiser by Starforce Productions Team, Advance Scorpion-class Starship by Raven Night, USS Scorpion v3.0 by Raven Night, (Hard Point) Stations v1.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Prometheus v2.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Norexan-class Romulan Warbird v3.0 by TiqHud, Romulan D'Deridex Warbird Mk.2 v1.0 by Zombie Zan, Brightone Hard Point Replacement by TiqHud, Romulan Harpy Carrier and Wareagle v2.0 by zeljko, Merchantman Mission by TiqHud, and Maquis Artrus Mission by TiqHud.


Lancers Reactor has an IFSO Data Files Tutorial by Dark Dragon, an update to the Sol MOD by Mephistopheles, Raven Very Heavy Fighter by Mogdin, Small Mod (ship and equipment add-on; compatible with single-player and multiplayer) by the Liberation Demolitions Crew, and Evolution Nightmare 2.28 Nomad Revenge by Chips (client-side).

Master of Orion 3:

MOO Guardian shares a series of tutorials for the game, including two for beginners ("Hide!" by Zoombie and "Starting Your Empire Successfully" by Psilondude), a "Government Guide" by Psilondude, "Ground Combat: Tactics" by Wilddragon, and "Space Combat: Shields" by Zoombie.

Star Trek Armada 2:

Now at STA2Files: Elven Cube with Armor Pods by Elrond, Ultra Fusion Cube Mod by Yacuzza, Singularity Torpedo by Lord_hanson, San Francisco-class Fast Cruiser by Pizza the Hut, Borg Cloaking Nebula Generation by Elrond, Realism 2380 Mod by Jeffrey Walker, Borg Repair Ship by Billy9, Species 8472 Father by Billy9, Federation Headquarters Base by AdmiralPicard, Serpent-class Starship v2.0 by Eprtron Omega, and Freedom-class Refit by Pizza the Hutt.

Starfleet Command III:

SFC3Files hosts a trio of ships by Capt. Dawg & F9thDaihak--Federation Mark 6.2, Federation NX Mark 6, and Federation Mark 6.


SSC has posted a number of tutorials to assist new Starshatter modders in getting started.


E.R. Hyland has bundled together ships from a couple of different mods and has tweaked a variety of components and scripts. The mod, ERH_RA_Xenon_GO, has a readme and is available from a couple of download sources. Please see this thread at the X forums for instructions and download mirrors. LV's Banshee mod has been updated to v2.1. Tigerclaw's X2 Combat Zone mod is now at the v1.2 Beta mark.

X-Wing Alliance:

Berruga offers some screenshots of the in-progress T-Wing model that will be a future XWA Upgrade model.

For the People, By the People: Friday

Bridge Commander:

Now at BCFiles: Maquis Raider Hard Points Pack by Dave975, Vienna-class Battlecruiser by Starforce Productions Team, Advance Scorpion-class Starship by Raven Night, USS Scorpion v3.0 by Raven Night, (Hard Point) Stations v1.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Prometheus v2.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Norexan-class Romulan Warbird v3.0 by TiqHud, Romulan D'Deridex Warbird Mk.2 v1.0 by Zombie Zan, Brightone Hard Point Replacement by TiqHud, Romulan Harpy Carrier and Wareagle v2.0 by zeljko, Merchantman Mission by TiqHud, and Maquis Artrus Mission by TiqHud.


Lancers Reactor has an IFSO Data Files Tutorial by Dark Dragon, an update to the Sol MOD by Mephistopheles, Raven Very Heavy Fighter by Mogdin, Small Mod (ship and equipment add-on; compatible with single-player and multiplayer) by the Liberation Demolitions Crew, and Evolution Nightmare 2.28 Nomad Revenge by Chips (client-side).

Master of Orion 3:

MOO Guardian shares a series of tutorials for the game, including two for beginners ("Hide!" by Zoombie and "Starting Your Empire Successfully" by Psilondude), a "Government Guide" by Psilondude, "Ground Combat: Tactics" by Wilddragon, and "Space Combat: Shields" by Zoombie.

Star Trek Armada 2:

Now at STA2Files: Elven Cube with Armor Pods by Elrond, Ultra Fusion Cube Mod by Yacuzza, Singularity Torpedo by Lord_hanson, San Francisco-class Fast Cruiser by Pizza the Hut, Borg Cloaking Nebula Generation by Elrond, Realism 2380 Mod by Jeffrey Walker, Borg Repair Ship by Billy9, Species 8472 Father by Billy9, Federation Headquarters Base by AdmiralPicard, Serpent-class Starship v2.0 by Eprtron Omega, and Freedom-class Refit by Pizza the Hutt.

Starfleet Command III:

SFC3Files hosts a trio of ships by Capt. Dawg & F9thDaihak--Federation Mark 6.2, Federation NX Mark 6, and Federation Mark 6.


SSC has posted a number of tutorials to assist new Starshatter modders in getting started.


E.R. Hyland has bundled together ships from a couple of different mods and has tweaked a variety of components and scripts. The mod, ERH_RA_Xenon_GO, has a readme and is available from a couple of download sources. Please see this thread at the X forums for instructions and download mirrors. LV's Banshee mod has been updated to v2.1. Tigerclaw's X2 Combat Zone mod is now at the v1.2 Beta mark.

X-Wing Alliance:

Berruga offers some screenshots of the in-progress T-Wing model that will be a future XWA Upgrade model.

For the People, By the People: Friday

Bridge Commander:

Now at BCFiles: Maquis Raider Hard Points Pack by Dave975, Vienna-class Battlecruiser by Starforce Productions Team, Advance Scorpion-class Starship by Raven Night, USS Scorpion v3.0 by Raven Night, (Hard Point) Stations v1.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Prometheus v2.0 by TiqHud, (Hard Point) Norexan-class Romulan Warbird v3.0 by TiqHud, Romulan D'Deridex Warbird Mk.2 v1.0 by Zombie Zan, Brightone Hard Point Replacement by TiqHud, Romulan Harpy Carrier and Wareagle v2.0 by zeljko, Merchantman Mission by TiqHud, and Maquis Artrus Mission by TiqHud.


Lancers Reactor has an IFSO Data Files Tutorial by Dark Dragon, an update to the Sol MOD by Mephistopheles, Raven Very Heavy Fighter by Mogdin, Small Mod (ship and equipment add-on; compatible with single-player and multiplayer) by the Liberation Demolitions Crew, and Evolution Nightmare 2.28 Nomad Revenge by Chips (client-side).

Master of Orion 3:

MOO Guardian shares a series of tutorials for the game, including two for beginners ("Hide!" by Zoombie and "Starting Your Empire Successfully" by Psilondude), a "Government Guide" by Psilondude, "Ground Combat: Tactics" by Wilddragon, and "Space Combat: Shields" by Zoombie.

Star Trek Armada 2:

Now at STA2Files: Elven Cube with Armor Pods by Elrond, Ultra Fusion Cube Mod by Yacuzza, Singularity Torpedo by Lord_hanson, San Francisco-class Fast Cruiser by Pizza the Hut, Borg Cloaking Nebula Generation by Elrond, Realism 2380 Mod by Jeffrey Walker, Borg Repair Ship by Billy9, Species 8472 Father by Billy9, Federation Headquarters Base by AdmiralPicard, Serpent-class Starship v2.0 by Eprtron Omega, and Freedom-class Refit by Pizza the Hutt.

Starfleet Command III:

SFC3Files hosts a trio of ships by Capt. Dawg & F9thDaihak--Federation Mark 6.2, Federation NX Mark 6, and Federation Mark 6.


SSC has posted a number of tutorials to assist new Starshatter modders in getting started.


E.R. Hyland has bundled together ships from a couple of different mods and has tweaked a variety of components and scripts. The mod, ERH_RA_Xenon_GO, has a readme and is available from a couple of download sources. Please see this thread at the X forums for instructions and download mirrors. LV's Banshee mod has been updated to v2.1. Tigerclaw's X2 Combat Zone mod is now at the v1.2 Beta mark.

X-Wing Alliance:

Berruga offers some screenshots of the in-progress T-Wing model that will be a future XWA Upgrade model.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Pardus Updates

Pardus, multiplayer browser space strategy title, has recently added two items to the game's production tree and an automatic system for deleting inactive accounts. The developers have also introduced a system to bind experience points to combat skills.

Star Trek: The Neutral Zone 2 Alpha 2.1 and More

Star Trek: The Neutral Zone has been updated to Alpha 2.1. The latest alpha offers English and Croatian versions and a couple of graphical spiff-ups.

Cateia is also in search of translators to make localized versions of the game.

Lastly, DirectX will be discontinued in future builds of the game.

FreeAllegiance Newbie "Guide"

Although it's been around for a while, is still looking for new pilots to supplement their servers. As such, they have posted a very short "guide" to enjoying the experience, rather than dreading it.

SWG: "The Emperor's Retreat" Quest Guide

SWG Vault has posted a guide for the Star Wars Galaxies quest, "The Emperor's Retreat".

Electronic and Propulsion Warfare; Gastric and Potable Warfare points to a pair of developer blogs from CCPers. One talks about the new Electronic and Propulsion Warfare that is making the rounds on the test server. The other entry covers CCP's upcoming GDC party and how to make sure you're on the invite list. If any of you are planning to attend the conference, the really excellent news is that there will neither be a cover charge or a drink minimum.

Flatspace v1.08

Flatspace has been updated to v1.08, which is likely the last version of the space combat and trading game. The update includes bug fixes and some gameplay enhancements. Work on a sequel to the game is expected to begin later this year.

Heads Up: Freeform Space

One last thanks to Nick today, as he's pointed to another independently-developed space combat game, Freeform Space, which he saw mentioned in this thread at the IW forums about independent titles in development.

Freeform Space is, as it sounds, an Elite-styled game. There is a 12.5 MB second beta test available, and the specs are minimal.

Vega Strike v0.4.3

Vega Strike has at last been updated, bringing the original space combat engine up to v.0.4.3. The lastest release includes an introductory story campaign and a Loki installer for Linux users; there are also fixes that deal with Mac OS X 10.x compatibility issues and new art by PeteyG and Strangelet. There are also plans to release a campaign editor in the future for users. Full credits and a complete changelog may be viewed at the VS website. Thanks Nick.

Privateer Remake v1.0pre5 General Release, v1.0 Help Requested, and Manual Updates

Thanks to Nick for pointing out that Privateer Remake v1.0pre5 is now available as a general release on the Privateer Remake downloads page.

Further, there is a thread at the PR forum that seeks commentary and critiques regarding the game in preparation of the full v1.0 release.

And to cap the trio of news about PR, a few additions to the manual have been added to this thread.

Star Wolves Demo (English)

3D Gamers has posted the English version of the Star Wolves demo. The demo includes a tutorial and a standard patrol mission and weighs in at 217 MB. Thanks Frans.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Starglider: Resurrection

Another big thanks to Nick, who points to Starglider: Resurrection, a remake of Starglider and originally an entry for a Retro Remakes competition. The site includes a short FAQ, a gallery consisting of sixteen screenshots, and a worklog to keep you up-to-date on the game's progress.

Star Wolves Demo (French)

3D Gamers hosts a French demo of Star Wolves. Nick writes that it is similar in play to Homeworld or Nexus, so if you're in a mood for some 3D space strategy and either don't mind not understanding the plot or speak French, check it out.

Monday, February 14, 2005

For the People, By the People: Monday

Bridge Commander:

BCFiles hosts Zambie Zan's Future Excelsior "D" v1.0, Starforce Production Team's USS Tempest, D&G's Armored Voyager, and Capt_Spade's Borg Akira.


New mods at the Lancers Reactor includes the Liberation Demolitions Crew's Zoner Server Side (for server admins only), Littleloopyman's Omicron Delta System (compatible with single-player and multiplayer), BlazeME's Freelancer Fifth Gear v1.0 (graphics enhancement), Xtreme Team Studios' Vicious Strike Heavy Cruiser (adds a custom ship for purchase; compatible with single-player and multiplayer), Qtio's Tigerfly Model (unscripted .ms3d file), Mephistopheles' Sol Mod WIP v0.1 (multiplayer demo), Kain - Neo's Galaxy Wars (multiplayer-only), burzelmann's Liberty System Expansion Mod v0.2 (compatible with single-player and multiplayer), Paul's Civilian Fighter Pack (adds the P.O.D. Civilian Heavy Fighter and the Pegasus Light Fighter; compatible with single-player and multiplayer), and Mogadin's Warblade (compatible with single-player and multiplayer).


darkthunder has posted screenshots of the Star Trek: Age of War v1.0 Beta. frogger1108 shares a third and a ">fourth mission. ElectricMonk gets ambitious and creates SpaceTech: Reprise, a series of missions designed to build on the original Nexus campaign.

Starfleet Command III:

SFC3Files offers Mr_Tricorder's SFC3 Damage Textures Tutorial.

Space Empires 5 Beta on April 1

Malfador's site has been updated with news that the beta for the latest incarnation of their 4X series will begin on April 1 (a day that itself invites speculation; perhaps it's an early prank). There will be a beta lottery held in late March for interested prospective testers.

ST Neutral Zone 2 Updated

A new alpha version of the Star Trek Neutral Zone 2 shooter has been released. The game weighs in at a lean 1 MB.

Star Trek Online FAQ v1.1

The official Star Trek Online FAQ has been updated to v1.1. The latest version of the FAQ includes a few bits about space travel and exploration and starships:

Will you be able to travel and explore space?
Yes. Space travel is going to be a fun and unique experience. Mission assignments will take you to interesting and dangerous places throughout the galaxy.

How many people will be on a starship?
Starship crew complements range from little more than bridge crews aboard small ships to hundreds of players aboard the larger vessels.

Won't everyone want to be a captain?
Those who wish to pursue command can do so. Others may wish to focus on developing their skills and specializing in a particular department. Neither choice is exclusive; a captain can crew for someone else if he wants, and an officer highly trained in a particular department can also eventually become a commander.

What will starship combat be like?
Starship combat is slower and more strategic than ground combat; the Enterprise wasn't built to turn on a dime. It's more important to make good decisions than get a target into one's crosshairs. That said, the action can be furious and requires the contribution of all of the departments under the direction of an experienced captain.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

B5 Starfury Sim Beta 2

The Babylon 5 Starfury Simulator site has been updated with a second beta release. Listed changes include:

1) Specular light effects (the objects now have a metallic `shine`)
2) Sound FX from the show
3) The Jumpgate `opens` when in proximity to it (although still not functional... looks & sounds good though!)
4) 7 liveries added to the Starfury model wings (selectable in game by pressing 1-7 keys on main keyboard)
5) Lens `flare` effect added to the light source
6) Improved handling (I added `friction` for playability, not exactly `space` accurate, but better!)
7) Green lasers from the Starfury (not the purple ones that were inaccurate!)
8) A `gravitational docking bay` on the Station with accurate exterior flashing lights, that can be entered!
9) Cockpit display now shows - coordinates (latitude and longitude) / velocity / rotation / current time

The download link and system requirements are listed at the game's website.

Star Wars Galactic Civil War Compiled Update

The official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a compiled informational page about the Civil War feature in the MMPOG.

Monday, February 07, 2005

X2: The Return Developer Diary

From the better late than never files, TVG's second X2: The Return Developer Diary is online. The latest "diary" focuses on Martin Brenner, X2 programmer, who chats about influences, the game's engine, technology, recommended specs for playing the game, graphics, cutscenes, the design of alien races and ships, and AI.

For the People, By the People: Monday


Lancers Reactor hosts The 5th House (Das 5'te Haus) v1.37 by Peter Pan (in German only), Hellbores Reign by Mogadin (ship), Liberty System Expansion by burzelmann (single and multiplayer compatible), Freelancer System Editor v0.3 by PsyCadelik, and Mr Smiths Audio Mod by OrbPael (which adds a few new sounds). LR also has word that the Star Wars: Tides of War mod has issued an alpha release of their project (the second alpha is out now).

Freespace 2:

From Gai Daigoji comes Solar Wars Chapter One, an Inferno campaign. Inferno Release 1 is required to play Solar Wars. Also, Lynx has posted screenshots of a pair of ships from Wing Commander Saga.


smurph has released his UIM.06 Enhanced patch, which is compatible with Max's newly released Hardw[a]r Enhanced patch.

Homeworld 2:

Star Wars Warlords has been updated to v0.45.

X-Wing Alliance:

XWA Upgrade offers the Freighter Type C for download.

Heads Up: StarRush

I missed this one, so D McDonald was kind enough to remind me. StarRush is an upcoming space sim from Russian developers Crioland that will allow space and atmospheric combat. The engine appears to feature a third-person perspective.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Privateer Remake v1.0pre5

Privateer Remake v1.0pre5 has been released to testers. spiritplumber has also issued a Home Away from Home mini-patch for the v009 and v1.0pre5 versions of the game.

Heads Up: Space Combat Simulator

The creators of X-Plane have released a free Space Combat simulator that features a Newtonian physics engine. v1.40 comes in Windows, Linux, and Mac flavors. Thanks CIC.

EVE Character Manager and Dev Blog Updates hosts a new beta of the EVE Character Manager. The site also has word of two new EVE developer blogs, one of which covers content updates (amongst other things) and the other talks about more of the same (patch info, server hotfixes, and other updates).

Heads Up: Cellblock Squadrons and B5 Starfury Sim

There are two newly discovered space sims--a commercial sim called "Cellblock Squadrons" (thanks, Nick) and a Babylon 5 Starfury Simulator. Both games have demos available; the B5 Starfury Sim release is a beta. See the games' pages for download links, screenshots, and more details.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Vendetta Online Progress Report and Wiki

The In Progress section of the Vendetta Online site has been updated with information on the new Wiki that features a number of FAQs, guides, and databases for the game. The progress update also covers some long-term design projects, including capital ships, missions, and bots.