Sunday, January 16, 2005

For the People, By the People: Sunday Drive Edition

Bridge Commander:

BCFiles hosts MadJon's Battlestar Galactica Ship Pack v1.0, which includes the Battlestar Galactica, the MK 2 Colonial Viper, and the Colonial Shuttle.


smurph's UIM.04 (e.06) Bonus Features patch (Captain Zedo's boards) has been updated with beefed-up Q-busting code that now helps in freeing stuck Moths.

Klingon Academy:

whitestar's fully ginsu-ed G'Quan has been released. The download can be found on whitestar's site (Narn page).

Star Trek Armada II:

STA2Files' new downloads include Fleet Admiral Raphaela's Steamrunner-class Starship, Yacuzza's Ultra Borg Mod v2.0, Dragon Master's Tholian Heaven-class Vessel, draconis_sharp's STA 2.5 Beta Patch, and draconis_sharp's STA 2.5 Beta Textures Pack.


Roenie and Merroc have released a spreadsheet "that calculates loop end-station profitability for closed loops, and how it all compares to each other. Also included is a comparison with the profits you would have got had you not produced product X but sold the e-cells instead, plus loads and loads of other data, such as the return you're getting on each energy cell used in creating a product." Further details and the download link can be found in this thread at the official X forums.

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