Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Hardwar Patch UIM01 Update

Ian Martin posted the following update on the UIM01 Hardware patch:

A quick update:-

The clicking bug is fixed.
The W buffering is done.
The navigation problem from Alpha to Haven is fixed.
New grafix added.
Compression added to large outgoing link packets. Still testing, a random sample compression rate is 17% (lots of same bytes!) to 92%.
More to do on the link game.
Need to be able to build Hardman.

I hope to have it out to beta test in early October now. I plan to let 6 people have it for 2 weeks, longer if a fatal problem shows up.

Who'd like to test it? The first 6 private messages with an email address are welcome to help.

If you have time to test, be sure to check out the thread at Captain Zedo's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a great patch man but what i really think you should do is make a list of online games(ip. adresses)
so that we can acually get online insted of playing against a crumy AI all of the time.